Hanging garments

Metal House offers its customers the design and construction of modular semiautomatic solutions for the storage and handling of hanging and folded garments (structure and equipment) ensuring a technologically advanced product at very competitive prices.




The company offers solutions to:



• OPTIMIZE SPACES making the most of the square footage of the store thanks to the modularity of our system; this enables significant energy saving in terms of lighting and heating;


• RATIONALIZE THE WAREHOUSE STAFF as result of greater warehouse efficiency, resulting in cost savings;


• SPEED UP THE PROCESSES OF LOADING AND UNLOADING thanks to a semi-automated rise/fall of the garments;


• IMPROVING THE WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT FLEXIBILITY: thanks to the versatility of the MH structures and to a shelving system for hanging garments that can be rapidly assembled and disassembled, making it possible to increase or decrease the stock capacity of hanging and folded garments according to the seasonal needs (summer or winter clothing) and the specific requirements of different customers.



METAL HOUSE provides a new warehouse system or the integration of an existing system with our specific solutions.


Finally, we provide our customers a special after sales service inspecting the structure and offering free consultation in case of modifications and extensions of the warehouse.


The fashion world is constantly evolving and METAL HOUSE offers a wide range of products together with targeted and flexible services, capable of fulfilling the developments related to fashion logistics.

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